Fallout 76’s waterways aren’t usually where you want to hang out, as they’re mostly irradiated and such, but it looks like that will be the case when Bethesda’s online Fallout game gets fishing in a future update Change.
Tonight’s Fallout Days broadcast contained only the briefest teaser of fishing features in Fallout 76, but I spoke with lead producer Bill Lacoste earlier this week to try to find out more about it information. He said the team will likely detail how fishing will work “closer to the end of the year,” but he did reveal that you’ll be able to “fish anywhere there’s a body of water to drink from” – including both internal and external locations.
While it’s unclear if you’ll be able to fish some of Fallout 76’s more aggressive aquatic monsters, I’m not sure I’d have the chance if I fished one of the giant four-legged angler creatures. to it. For example – LaCoste says it will “almost guarantee we’ll find common types of fish” and your catch will be “incorporated into new recipes” you can cook to control hunger levels.
He also joked that the team also plans to use fishing “in other ways,” but specific details are being kept under wraps until an announcement at the end of the year.
However, keeping with the animal theme of the Fallout Day broadcast, another big reveal comes in the form of Pet Camp, launching in December. There will only be two types available in the game store initially – the classic cat and dog (meat) combo – but more will be added later, including “some less furry ones,” creative director Jonathan Rush Rush) joked in the game. broadcast.

When I asked Lacoste about adding pets to Fallout 76, he said pets have been one of the “most requested” features by fans, and not just because of the success of the Fallout TV show. “Players have wanted to have pets in their camps for a long time,” he said, and “it’s been on our design roadmap for a long time, even before we knew about the show and When will the show go off the air? I think the show itself just helps a little bit, which is more important for the players now, especially now that the show is over.”
That’ll be great news for anyone who’s itching to have their own canine to welcome them home after a hard day of exploring, and I asked Lacoste if the dogs in Fallout 76 are the same ones we had in Fallout 4 The dog meat model that may be carried in is exactly the same. He said there was “a little bit” of crossover in terms of the resources used to create Fallout 76’s dogs, but “we still had to go through the appropriate channels, like making sure it was rigged correctly, animated correctly, and also fit into the world.” We want them to blend in. A lot of new animation had to be done to make these (dogs) work in camp,” but using Dogmeat as a starting point “definitely saved us time,” he added.
Cat lovers will also be happy to hear that Bethesda has also been paying close attention to making its felines as accurate as possible. Lacoste said that while the studio already has “some cats” available for use in the game, “we have to overcome a lot of logistical and technical hurdles” to make sure they can pass the test with existing cats as well. owner.

“Even if they’re just doing stretches and things like that, certain bones and certain elements stretch and look weird, so we have to accept that,” he said. “You want to try to capture all the nuances and all the personality of a cat, which can sometimes be a little more difficult than a dog.”
Luckily, Bethesda has a team of pet-owning playtesters and developers who can check that all of the dogs and cats’ individual behaviors and animations are up to snuff, and Lacoste assures me that they now “look really, really good.” good”. In addition, if players want to experience it early, they can check it out on the public test server of “Fallout 76”, which already provides these contents. Just don’t expect cats to always follow you around camp like dogs.
“That was actually intentional,” Lacoste said with a laugh. “It’s a cat. It has its own little element to it, which is fun, especially for people who have cats and understand the struggles of having cats sometimes.”