Information about Nintendo’s upcoming online gaming testing program for the Switch has leaked online.
Last week, Nintendo announced that it would be conducting a game test on its console involving a new feature of the Nintendo Switch Online service. It noted that places are limited and only a maximum of 10,000 people can be tested.
At this time, Nintendo is asking successful applicants not to disclose testing details. But, they did, and we now know what Nintendo is doing behind the scenes.
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Images from documents sent to project participants have been shared on social media. They hinted that it was a game that sounded almost like an MMO, featuring a blocky world similar to Minecraft. Players are reportedly told that they need to work together to “use creativity and farm resources to fully develop a huge, sprawling planet,” with new lands, enemies, and resources appearing as players progress.
Another image depicts “special tools” called beacons that can “heal the land.” Meanwhile, the playtest will reportedly feature a “social hub” where players can interact with each other.
The images, seen by Eurogamer earlier this morning, have been removed from the internet due to a copyright strike by Nintendo.
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The playtest will officially launch on October 24th and run for just under two weeks until November 6th. It involves a 2.2 GB software download. We’ll likely hear more about playtesting in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.
Elsewhere, Nintendo recently released its motion-sensing alarm clock Alarmo. If you’re a Nintendo Switch Online subscriber, the bedside gadget is now available in the UK for £89.99.